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Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend in Norfolk

Now we've got the Landy we're planning a series of minis - checking out the weather and traffic and heading where it's best. This weekend we went to the north Norfolk coast - really beautiful. I had been there once before years ago with my mate Robin. We stayed in a good hotel called Roman Camp Inn which had lovely garden space and really good food. But we are fed up with shelling out loads of money for hotels that are nice, OK or crap - would rather stay in a top dollar place once in a while and camp the rest of the time, which is just what we're going to do from now on. So we're on a mission to buy a new tent and some camping cooking gear and next weekend we'll be off! Really looking forward to it. Great way to discover the country.

Today for instance, we drove through Melton Mowbray, which looked really lovely.

Anyway, we were up early Saturday, out before 6, arrived to look around the Cley nature reserve, then a pub called the Kings Head for a drink then back to the hotel to check in. Lunch, nooze, dinner.

Yesterday we were up and at 'em to walk from Cley to Blakeney Point, which was lovely but a bit of hard work in the blazing sun. Would have been stuck without a hat.

Randomly we met someone we knew on the beach, which was fun.

I loved getting back to the Landy, sitting swinging my legs on the tailgate in the breeze. Lunch in the Dun Cow, where we had a great crab salad. Being near Cromer and all.

Back to the hotel for a shower and some wine and early dinner in the garden, reading the Sunday papers. Very civilized. Getting up at half hour this morning to drive Paul to a meeting in Leicestershire before heading home wasn't so, but it was fun to drive the Landy.

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