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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why has Daily Mail's Liz Jones Got It In For Frankie Van Heel?

What vitriol! Why has Liz Jones attacked Andy Burnham MP's wife Frankie Van Heel in the Daily Mail so viciously? Standing out from all the, frankly, Frankie, dreadful outfits (you and you Eugenie and Beatrice) she looks just fab.
Sarah and Gordon Brown look like the lumps they are.
The Queen Mother would have offered Frankie a nip of her dubonnet/gin/vodka/drambuie/pernod/chartreuse chaser stash if she'd been there.
Love the whole outfit. Good for her.
So back to Liz Jones. I do read her work when I come across it, it's hard not to when she wears her heart on her sleeve - car crash writing. She can't be that bad if she loves her animals so much. But really, why Frankie Van Heel? She brings some cheer into what is supposed to be a cheery do, not a grim affair.
Liz, don't rip into other women, it's just not becoming.

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