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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

DVF to the rescue

Another what to wear dilemma solved - this time for M&D's joint birthday party, celebrating 75 and 70 respectively.

About 80 or 90 seniors littered with a bare minimum of the youngsters, i.e. 40/50 year olds. How to feel pretty old... But M&D both look 10 years younger so there's hope for us all.

What to wear, nothing too bold, eh. So DVF to the rescue via Matches Fashion
And, in the sale, so knocked down from nearly £300 to £158 so a bargain to boot. Well, a bargain for a classic dress anyway.

Disappointed with Matches packaging, all for being green but it was in crappy paper, not even tissue paper, and rammed into a DHL bag. Nothing floaty or glam the way that, say my-wardrobe does. Sort of resent spending that much money and not having the full-on luxe experience.

1 comment:

georgeporgefurrytrousers said...

I wore this for the first time at the weekend to my parents' party. Loved it, especially with the sky high shiny green shoes I wore, but I did have to use a safety pin to conceal my cleavage a bit, didn't want any coronarys going on..