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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Product trial - Aveeno Skincare Solutions

I've been asked to review Aveeno Skincare products and a week in, I'm giving a thumbs up.

The blurb from the PR company says: Aveeno® is a range of skincare solutions containing naturally active ingredients, designed specifically for all types of dry skin – from mild to extremely dry. The makers of Aveeno have uniquely captured the benefits of naturally active ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal,and shea butter, to give you beautiful, soft and healthy-looking skin.

Out of the three products I'm testing, the weirdest one is the bath powder, the smell (presumably from the collodial oatmeal!) meant that it was like taking a bath in porridge. I wouldn't use it again, I'm more of a Lush bath bomb kind of girl.

The best thing about the lotion is that it is absorbed really well, really quickly. I might be a strange girl but I usually find this a real problem (similarly my skin takes just AGES to dry. Love baths, hate the aftermath). The cream is obviously thicker and great on elbows.

So, I did like the Aveeno range, and as I do have dry skin I should continue to buy for myself once my trial products have run out. But, I just don't happen to feel that I'm pampering myself - with the lotion and cream being fragrance free, it feels a bit of a chore to rub in. I like to feel that when moisturising the aroma is helping me relax and I am a fragrance fan.
I would have liked to have tried the oil though. Perhaps I could have added a few drops of perfume to it...

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